Just a small town girl and Greek Comedian of The Year
My Solo Shows
What is a solo show?
Every year since 2015 I create a solo show, which is a 55-70 minute hour of new material that I take to various festivals and on tour around the world, This is a much different vibe to when you see me perform 20 minutes at the comedy clubs.
They mostly tend to have a theme or a story and are centered around that.

2023 Wonderland/
The Right Swipe That Ruined
My Life/
This show has two titles, depending or where it was performed.
It appeared in Edinburgh Fringe as Wonderland, Melbourne Comedy
Festival as HoneyBadger and Perth Comedy Festival as
The Right Swipe That Ruined My Life.
It is a wild, outlandish and yet 100% true story about falling in
ove with the wrong person.
When I did it as Wonderland (click here to see more) in 2023
Edinburgh Fringe Festival, it got awarded a Top 50 best reviewed
shows according to British Comedy Guide.
Reviews (tap to read the whole thing):
️️️️️️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- The Quintessential Review"
Very funny, and utterly surprising, go see Go see
Wonderland before it leaves town. It is, without question, one of the
best hours of comedy on offer this August."
He delivers this with such a wicked sense of humour that you will
ache from laughing so hard.
This is disarmingly honest, heart on sleeve,
brilliant, funny story telling.

2024 "Greek in The Sheets"
In 2024, I turned 40. It hit me like a ton of bricks as I have already been afraid of
dying from a very young age. I realised all my life I have been avoiding "getting older"
by trying to live with zero stress, next to no responsibilities and very spontaneously.
That culminated in me getting detained in Australia at 1 am in the city centre on charges
of Terrorism and Espionage.
Reviews (tap on each to read the whole thing):
️️️️️️⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2- The Quintessential Review
"George remains one of the best comedians you’ll see at the
Fringe. Other comedians are clever, other comedians are funny.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Theatre Vibe
"Some comedians think they are legends. But George Zacharopoulos is the real deal"
Audience reviews from Ed Fringe Website:
Really enjoyed this, highly recommend!
Lisa Chappell
We’ve seen George three times and he just gets better over time.
Hilarious (and true) reflections on life. This show is a real treat every year.
Katie Marsden
George flyered us yesterday himself. He was very gentle in his approach.
We gave him a chance and oh my, what a treat. This was an Edinburgh
highlight. He should be full every night and not need to flyer himself.
An astonishing show. We will come back next year!
Michael Foster
I just saw George and came to created an account to say what a fantastic
show all of us experienced today. He seems to be relatively unknown but
many people in the room came because they had seen him before. George
was absolutely fantastic. The applause at the end was deafening. We will
definitely see him again. What a hidden gem, thank you.

2024 "50/50"
This year I also decided to do a show called 50/50
It is basically me doing stand up for 30 minutes followed by
improvisation based on audience suggestions
Very silly, really fun.